The 3-layer co-extruded polyethylene film (Pactofoil™) is hermetically, heat-sealable and water-vapour proof. The plastic foil is designed to be extra strong and highly tear-proof and is clinically proven to withstand the most hazardous and corrosive Chemotherapy (and hazardous and infectious) clinical waste for up to 7 Days. Bag length can be easily programmed to maximise bag capacity and minimise wastage or bag length can be chosen with the pedal function, such as in the case of Cytotoxic or hazardous spillage, soiled clothing or bedding.
Group A Waste is categorised as follows:
Includes the following items: identifiable human tissue (all identifiable human tissue, whether infected or not, may only be disposed of by incineration), blood, animal carcasses and tissue from veterinary centres, hospitals or laboratories.
Soiled surgical dressings, swabs and other similar soiled waste.
Other waste materials, e.g. from infectious disease cases, excluding any in Groups B–E.
Pactofoil Permeation tested in accordance with EN ISO 6529.